The ball’s in your court… what to do AFTER your job interview
Once you’ve been to your interview, it’s time to review how it went. I recommend four essential steps:
- Reflect on the interview
- Follow up on next steps
- Complete further research
- Keep exploring new roles
Reflect on the interview
Once you have left the interview site, it’s time to decide when you are going to review the meeting.
Some people will call their spouses, a loved one or a friend, and others call the external recruiter who set up the interview, but neither of these is a substitute for the reflection and assessment you need to do afterwards.
This is a critical step for maintaining your clarity, even though you may have been in a high degree of rapport and responsiveness with the hiring manager.
Most of us have many commitments and responsibilities to navigate on a daily basis, and if it isn’t another meeting we need to attend, we’re on our computers and mobile devices, responding to texts, emails and calls. Then the day and its demands overtake our attention and we go home and just want to unwind – over and out.
Next day we launch into a similar routine, and as one day turns into another, we forget vital pieces of information that will help us in determining whether or not the job we’re considering is the right fit.
Taking the time to reflect as soon as possible after your interview is vital in assessing and deciding what your next steps will be.
It will also help you stand out as a top candidate, otherwise you will just be another me-too candidate among numerous options.
The best times to reflect and journal about a job interview are:
- Immediately after the meeting
- In your car or at a café on the same day
- Before you arrive home at the end of that day (unless you live alone)
- Before you go to bed that night
- The next morning before getting into the day (if the day before options didn’t work)
You can use some of the suggestions coming up to assist you in this reflection process, including which questions to reflect upon, journaling and the traffic light assessment.
Interview reflection questions
What were your goals for this interview?
To what extent did you achieve them?
What did you do well in this interview?
What new information did you learn at this interview?
What new questions and concerns have come up during this interview?
How does this job meet what you are looking for in a new role?
How do this company’s values align with yours? Where are the gaps?
To what extent would this company and industry offer you opportunity for growth
What would you have liked to say, but didn’t get a chance to due to time restrictions?
What would you have liked to ask, but didn’t get a chance to due to time restrictions?
Given another chance, what would you do differently in this interview?
On a scale of 1–10 (10 being the highest), how would you rate:
The company values and their fit to your values?
The role and its fit to your interests and experience/strengths?
The hiring manager and the fit between their management style and your working preferences?
The compensation and benefits package on offer and its fit to your current structure?
The benefits that you desire but can’t quantify (eg proximity to home, flexibility, travel, learning opportunities etc)?
Based on all the information above, how does this role fit you?
If it's a good fit, pursue it with all your strength. If not, walk away in peace.
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